Case: Development of the corporate website of the National Settlement Depository (NSD) | Creonit
National Settlement Depository

National Settlement Depository

Corporate website of the Central Securities Depository of the Russian Federation

Project launch date — December 2019

Best corporate site 2019
Best state website 2019

We have developed a corporate website for the National Settlement Depository (NSD). We redesigned the structure, identified business areas, and integrated it with CRM. We created a personal account for our clients. Read more below.


National Settlement Depository (NSD) is a Russian non-banking credit institution, the Central Depository of Russia. It is a member of the Moscow Exchange Group and specializes in providing Depository, settlement banking and related services to financial market participants.

NSD's clients (and the target audience of the site) are all those who are somehow connected with securities-from banks to brokers, and other participants in the financial market. Many of them have no choice in principle — they need to contact NSD in order to conduct their business.


It was necessary to rework an existing resource that was very outdated and needed to be updated. The global goal of the new site is to turn around to face customers, namely:

  • To create a simple and clear structure of services. To highlight the business areas and to focus attention on them.
  • Organize feedback with the clients. Collecting requests for services, recording for events.
  • Put news feeds in order. Import content from a closed internal system where news is stored.
  • Create a client's personal account with information that is not accessible to external users


Reworking the structure. The allocation of business areas

NSD's business areas are separate divisions, each of which has its own tasks, set of services, and managers. It was necessary to create a clear and clear structure of services, divide business areas and focus the attention of visitors on them.

Several variants of the main page prototype

We have significantly redesigned the site structure. All business areas were added to the menu, and it was expanded and detailed.

To facilitate navigation and differentiate business areas, we have implemented color markup for them.

Product pages have been developed for each service, which is collected from the following blocks: description, activation stages, frequently asked questions, contact information, and a request form for activation.

Collecting requests from the site. Integration with CRM

One of the NSD's needs that the new site was supposed to address was organizing feedback: collecting applications, registering for events.

Although almost all clients are required to work with the Depository, there are several additional services that NSD wanted to promote. Also, the Depository conducts events for its clients that require prior registration.

Ira Kireeva
Project Manager
Ira Kireeva

To solve this problem, we added feedback forms to the site and implemented integration with the customer's CRM, which they implemented and debugged in parallel with the development process. We had to upload data to CRM for three types of forms: Submit a request, Ask a question, and Register for an event.

The integration task was special because there is no direct API available for the customer's CRM. It was created for a specific request, which took about 2 months, and it was necessary to take this into account when planning development.

The import of news and information about securities

The key components of the site are news about products and services, material facts (for example, reports on transactions), and important information about securities that can be used by NSD's clients to make decisions about their purchase.

All news is stored in the internal NSD system. It was necessary to import this data to the new site.

Pavel Bondarovich
Pavel Bondarovich

In the previous version of the site, data exchange with an internal system prepared by NSD's technical specialists was already implemented. Therefore, to understand all the mechanisms and nuances of data exchange, we had to study the code of the old site. Based on it, we created a technical specification, where we described all the details of the exchange, each field.

When the technical specification was ready and agreed with the customer's Analytics Department, we started implementing it on Bitrix. After days of integration, thorough testing, and debugging, the exchange was ready and running like clockwork.

Personal account of clients

The client's personal account contains information that is not accessible to external users (for example, information about securities). An important security requirement that had to be met was authorization via an external service, the exchange's Passport.

Integration with the service was performed via the API. Also, we have implemented the ability to specify the type of client (the client itself or a member of the Supervisory Board). Depending on this, the interface of the personal account and its set of features will differ.


We have developed and launched the NSD website. The project went through several stages of internal demonstration to existing clients — the site was opened in stages for groups of clients, they gave feedback, as a result of which the project was finalized.

The site is implemented in Russian and English versions, each of them has its own structure.

A separate challenge that we coped with — the development fully meets the requirements of the security Department (no vulnerabilities, certain encryption mechanisms, architecture requirements, etc.).

Damir Khabibullin
Head of the Internet Marketing Department
Damir Khabibullin

Creonit is about service, cool management, new approaches and tools in development.

In any project, it is important to link the work of the customer and the performer. A common goal and it's understanding. In projects of large companies, the Manager on the customer's side has to pay a lot of attention to solving the internal customers ' wishes, coordinate them with all participants and controlling departments. When the customer solves these issues on their side during the project, and the Agency helps them and closes the "technical" tasks — a new product is born; in other cases, it does not take off.

Заказчику на протяжении всего проекта важно понимать, что им занимаются, что в моменте происходит на стороне агентства: что в работе и какие следующие шаги, сроки и сколько всё это стоит. Аккаунт будет держать вас в курсе... и в фокусе :) В этом также отлично поможет их система трекинга задач.

Промежуточные результаты работ вы получите в современных и совместимых инструментах, которые возможно, наконец, откроете для себя и вашей команды и начнете использовать в работе. Также вы получите качественную документацию и инструкции для дальнейшей поддержки и развития проекта, инструкции и документацию для переноса проекта в своё окружение.

Всё это поможет вам и вашему бизнесу запустить проект.

The project received a silver Tagline Award in the category "Best website of a state organization" and a bronze for "Best corporate website".

Thanks for your attention!

Let's discuss your project
Alexandra Shevchenko
Account manager
Alexandra Shevchenko

We will receive your request and send you an offer within 24 hours with an approximate estimate of the development cost and clarifying questions. After that, we will call you and discuss the project’s goals and requirements. And let’s get started.

Let's discuss your project
Alexandra Shevchenko
Account manager
Alexandra Shevchenko

We will receive your request and send you an offer within 24 hours with an approximate estimate of the development cost and clarifying questions. After that, we will call you and discuss the project’s goals and requirements. And let’s get started.
